Saturday, August 21, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about family this week. And I'm feeling so deeply blessed by my entire family that I want to tell everyone about it. I was born of goodly parents and brought up in a home filled with love. I was taught the important things that would bring meaning, purpose, and joy to my life. Each addition to my family has brought new richness and blessings that I never even realized were missing, but couldn't imagine now living without. My latest Chipman-style addition was, in all seriousness, beyond my wildest dreams. They're everything I never knew I always wanted. How fortunate I am to have been guided by a divine Hand to where I am today.

I have so much love for my complete, eternal family. I have so much gratitude for each and every member of it. We support each other. We pray with and for each other. We share in each others' successes and trials. We will always be there to lift each other up in our times of need, and I believe that help comes from family on both sides of the veil. We are, as a wise man I know has said, 100% family.

It is with these thoughts in mind that I feel a need to take the time to "resurface" and share more of the positive experiences I've had over the past few months. These are for you, my wonderful family, the most loyal readers of my blog.


David Chipman said...

Thanks for the awesome post Abby! Life is so much better with you! I'm glad to be a part of the Croshaw-Chipman clan, and feel so incredibly blessed!

David and Debby said...

You two are truly one of the major joys of our lives. This eternal increase thing is pretty great. Wait until you're the parents of numerous posterity, and you'll see what I mean. But, even as you said, looking around and back at your contemporaries and progenitors is also pretty great. They all matter and will be ours in eternity.

So glad you decided to resurface, Abby

Andi said...

Abby...I'm sure your family is amazing. They'd have to be to produce someone like you! :) I'm glad to see that you're doing well and so happy! If you guys ever get an itching for some good times at Warren Dunes...we're certainly not opposed to visitors! :)

David and Debby said...

abby! somehow i missed the other two posts. wow. what a great time in covington!! what a happy family! can't wait to see you. thanks for sharing. it is always so fun reading your posts. xo

Karen said...

Abby - I loved the bullriding video. It reminds me of why you are so awesome for David. You love life. You embrace it all. You are so much fun and I want one of those killer pancakes. Loves...

Jason and Dana said...

Abby, we're so lucky to have you. I love you!

rebeccaV said...

I can't believe I missed your last 2 posts either! I'm so lucky to call you my sister. Love you!