Thursday, April 22, 2010

What just happened?!

So I'm graduating soon. I know because everyone keeps reminding me, not so much because it's on my mind. Apparently I'm fixated on exactly two weeks after the graduation date, which naturally means that the end of school has seriously snuck up on me. I had a sort of "aha" moment as I was walking down the hall at school today and realized that my Kogod days were numbered. It's a staggering thought, and it leaves me feeling all sorts of emotions. I have no intentions of pursuing another degree after this one, which means I'm about to enter into my last finals week. Ever. Today I had my last Derivatives class. Ever. Monday is my last graduate class. Ever. How did this time come so quickly?

Of course, I'm excited about this accomplishment. It's been a long, grueling lesson on time management and how to play well with others, and it feels good to finish something I've worked so hard at. I honestly feel like grad school is the best investment I've ever made, and of course it's exhilarating to reach the pinnacle of said investment.

But it also means that it's almost time for another transition.

I like school. I think I'm pretty good at school. I've grown quite comfortable with my current circumstances and acquaintances as a student. I love the constant flow of new and different information that keeps my brain from atrophy. As I sat in class tonight, I was consciously trying to savor whatever last vestiges of wisdom I could glean from my brilliant professor. I feel in my element when I'm roaming the halls of Kogod, and I'll always retain a high level of gratitude for what I have gained from this school.

I don't like change. I know it's good for me and whatever, but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant. It's like moving from the top of one ladder to the bottom rung of another. When I was younger, I was much better at doing things that absolutely freaked me out on a regular basis - like leaving home for college, living in Spain, moving to DC - because I knew it would help me to grow. But after I got to DC and life became a little more stable, I slowed down a bit on the freak-out activities. School has upped the frequency a little, but I'm still feeling a little rusty. (In case you're wondering, I'm not referring here to change of a marital nature. Like I mentioned, I think about that change so much that I forget about my own graduation.) Now, I've been "career girl" before, and I know it has its perks too. I'm just suddenly not in such a hurry to get back there. I'd like to spend a little more time in warm and cozy academia, rather than venture out into the big, bad, menacing real world.

But you know what? Every one of those freak-out transitions had their growing pains, but then they became something beautiful. I just had to acclimate and start climbing that ladder.

I guess that means all I have left to do is figure out which ladder it's going to be...


David and Debby said...

Welcome to the rest of your life. Seems like yesterday we moved to Virginia, and soon I only have a year left in residency and I am supposed to know what I'm doing by then. Before you know it you will have kids in high school.

David and Debby said...

of course that post was from colin. i can remember feeling bad for kind of pushing you into going to spain. what an adventure that was! this school thing just kind of fell together at the last minute, didn't it? just be ready for whatever is next! what is that quote that pres. hinckley quoted from someone else, about life being like a railway ride. what does it say--something about the secret being to enjoy the ride...seems like you are doing just that.

rebeccaV said...

There is something so stimulating about academia. I really missed it for a long time. But you have so many exciting things to come! I'm so excited for you!

David and Debby said...

Abby, you always were an academic in the sense of excelling at such. Take it from one who was not such (I couldn't wait to get out of school and get on with it,) that the field beyond academia is white and all ready to harvest. Life out there in the world is pretty good if you're prepared and if you care. I know that both are the case for you. You'll do just fine, and you're going to love marriage/parenthood too.

Emily said...

Wow. That was deep...real deep. And yes, I know how you feel. Sigh. I'm not ready to be done. I'm going to med school. =)

David Chipman said...

me too.

David Chipman said...

wait. scratch that. I like a paycheck more. I'll just go read my math book again if I need to get an academic fix. I could probably use a refresher anyway on partial differentials. (So sad that I picked that as a challenging point... ugh... oh, wait, hopefully I'm not the only one that did partial differentials in college... must... stop... nerding out....)

Anyway, sounds like lots of fun out of school, except for the teenagers part. That sounds like a mixed bag. Maybe I'll raise sea monkeys instead....

Karen said...

Seriously - there are some really challenging universities with flexible enrollment awaiting the two of you in your futures. They are VERY challenging and require not only your head but your heart too! Better pump the vitamins! Some of my favorites? Family University - it;s a good thing that you can start with the 101 class culminating with the adolescent years - 500 level. Be sure to do your homework. Love the journey. Before you know it, it will be a memory. University of the Temple - one of the best places to go for a weekend. It will clear the vision - putting everything in focus. Mission University. This seriously requires my whole head and heart along with what I learned in the family years and in the temple. WOW - you want a challenge? Plan for a mission. It;s the best thing we've ever done next to having a family.

Congradulations Abby. You're awesome!