Ahhhhhhhh, Abby is back in America.
The return trip was a little more eventful than I would have liked, but I'm back safe and sound. Simon says, stop worrying about Abby. You know who you are.
From American soil, I bring you one final installment of life in Kenya...besides my other more differenter "greatest hits" installment that will be coming soon.
This is a big one for me. It's close to my heart. I'm going to tell you about the one thing I felt I needed to do while I was there. If I could go back and do Kenya over again, I would insist upon repeating this experience as much as possible. I wouldn't save it until my last full day in the country.
But I did, and when all is said and done, I still got to do it.
That's enough for me.
I attended some center meetings in Yehu's Kisauni Branch. For those of you that don't speak microfinance (or maybe you just don't speak Yehu), these are the meetings where all the clients gather in their groups to make payments, apply for new loans, or discuss anything of importance to the group. This is the very base level of the organization, where all the most important exchanges take place. This is where the real people are.
These are the frontlines.
Kisauni is a unique branch for Yehu. The bank itself is unique in that it is mostly focused on serving the rural poor, but Kisauni is actually right outside of Mombasa. Most of Kisauni's clients are urban, or as Yehu likes to call it, "peri-urban." It was easier for us, because a few of them spoke English and could keep us up on what was happening.
At Yehu, their ladies organize themselves into groups of five. Once a group is formed, they can apply for loans. If anyone in the group ever misses a payment, the rest of the group is responsible for picking it up. No one in the group can apply for a new loan until all missed payments are taken care of. This has a lot of advantages - it keeps the default rate very low, it is self-reinforcing because the ladies will keep track of each other and will feel the pressure of being responsible for their own payments, and it encourages them to only find responsible people to be in their group. The downside is that this concept probably sounds okay when you're told in the beginning, but when you're waiting several months to apply for a loan because of a delinquent group member and you have to pay off her loan, it can be very frustrating.
At this particular meeting, two groups paid off loans of delinquent group members that had been in arrears since January, so they could finally move forward with their plans. It was an exciting day. I particularly enjoyed seeing these strong women speaking out and voicing their opinions - even if it was in frustration. I could see the progression, from those who were waiting to apply for their first loan to those who were paying off their third loan. They've all been enabled and empowered by the opportunities Yehu has offered them. I imagine most of them were not always so confident as they are now.
We talked to some of the ladies afterward. This is Alice and Purity. Alice sells charcoal, Purity will use her first loan to open a fruit stand.
They expressed a very sincere interest in learning about properly running a business and managing their finances. They know the loan is a blessing and they really want to do everything right. It spoke to a deep desire I've had to conduct training for that very thing. Not only would the ladies benefit, but Yehu as well. I had hoped to do some of this training while I was here, but there is just so much to be done for this bank. It would take a completely separate internship - or more - to reach out to that need.
We also talked to Carol, who has been with Yehu for three years and was about to apply for her third (and biggest yet) loan. She sells secondhand clothing and has high hopes for growing her business. I could see the wisdom and confidence in her persona at having been around the microfinance block and learned some hard lessons along the way. I could see how she has grown.
Some of the ladies also brought children to distract me for just a few minutes. As usual, I was smitten.
Overall, the center meeting was a very powerful experience for me. In one fell swoop, it allowed me to connect everything together and gave my work more meaning and purpose than I could find anywhere else.
On my last day, Aaron asked me what my #1 favorite thing about Kenya was. Hands down, it was getting out to the villages and meeting the people. I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything in the world.
check out this group http://www.kiva.org/
you can be a lender to any of several micro-credit orgs around the world and you get your money back to lend somewhere else.
Welcome Home!
Hooray Hooray Hooray Hooray! We're so excited you are home. AND, what an amazing experience. I'm looking forward to future posts about it. :)
Thank you so much for including us in this incredible experience. We're so glad you were able to do it. Welcome back home!
Yahooooo. Fab Ab is back!
Fascinating and ingenious system of enforcing personal accountability and integrity in the borrowers, at no cost to Yehu. Actually the entire system is inspired. If anything can reverse the poverty in the third world, it will be systems like this... and the gospel of course, which also promotes personal accountabilty and integrity.
Still proud of you I am. Welcome back!
That was making me teary. I am glad you made it back safely!
You rock my world! I'm happy you're home. I can't wait until we are face-to-face for a full debrief! Ya, that needs to happen soon. I'm sad you're no longer within a two hour time zone. Now who will I talk to? We'll amend that soon!
I'm so sad it's over. I LOVED reading these posts. But I'm glad you're back safe and sound and I get to see you soon!
Bienvenido Abby! Thanks for including our family as we are proud of your adventure and grateful for a safe arrival home.
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