Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Birthmonth!

I've always liked to drag out my birthday for as long as I can.  This year it was unintentionally extended an extra two weeks (I had to be responsible on the actual day because it was a Tuesday - one of my busiest days - and both weekends surrounding it were already spoken for.  I had a lot of churchy duties lately.)  It actually made me a little sad to be so busy that I couldn't celebrate the actual day in style, but that's just the child in me still fighting hard to keep from growing up.  It was actually still an enjoyable day, because I got to hang out at Institute where I get to see so many of my friends.  But then, I did get to celebrate after all - after Institute, I went to Silver Diner and got dessert with some of my favorite people.

For some reason, though, I've been really excited to get to 27.  I can't really explain why - it's probably partially because I know this is going to be an amazing year.  But whatever the reason, my subconscious has been really impatient for 27 to come around - I've actually been rounding up for the last few months.  

I began the year of awesomeness surrounded by my family.  Really, is there a better way to start?  I knew the parents and brothers (and families) would be there, but I was fully surprised by two mystery surprise visitors: Dana and Grandma Christensen.  They love me!  (Grandma turned 80 that day.  Thanks for sharing your day with me! :)  

They came out to support me for my first visit to the temple.  I made some important promises that day.  I'm excited to go back often so I can begin to attempt to understand it all.

It was also Easter weekend, so Dana and I got to help the Easter Bunny hide eggs for the kids!  (It's a typical practice, for the favorite aunts to help the Easter Bunny.  Did you know that?)

Mia got her ears pierced. She used to just be really cute. Now, she's stunning. Don't you agree?

Yep, it's one of those days where I use my blog to shamelessly show off my cute nieces and nephews.  Have you ever seen a face this cute?

This past Saturday was gorgeous outside.  Gorgeous!  I took advantage by participating in the Lupus Walk and taking David on a bike ride.  (We had indoor plans, but had to cancel them due to weather.  It just wouldn't be right to let the weather go to waste.)

I walked for Crystal.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: Kim knows how to rally the troops!  The group gets bigger every year!

The latest extension of birthmonth celebration: our 3rd annual Pirate Parrrty!  

I just piggybacked my birthday onto it.  Nobody minded much. I felt loved.  

What a great life I have.  What a great year this will be.


Jason and Dana said...

Excuse me? Typical practice for the favorite AUNT to help the Easter Bunny? I believe there were 2 of us "favorite aunts" helping him this year. :P Of course I know you're the can I even compete? Just a great first month to start off a great year!

abbynormal said...

My bad! Dana also helped!! In all reality, the only reason I can compete with you now is because you have four (very good) distractions and I have none. It gives me unfair advantage. Even before you had a family, you had a way with children that I have not yet begun to master. They just LIKE you, a LOT. Automatically! I just get to be favorite now because it's the default.

David and Debby said...

So, since you've gone to blogging just once a month, now birthdays are birthmonths? Cool. Too bad it wouldn't work to move the concept forward to birthyears - then we could have really big parties. Anyway, I want equal treatment in November - but wait- as long as we're changing the rules, maybe I'll trade with another month since November is always cold and dreary.

Whatever, I'm so glad we were there for your special day (temple) even though it wasn't your actual birthday. And it means so much to me and us that you took it so seriously. It was the epitome of meaningful for us. You, and we reached vital milestones that day as our family's last hold-out became a covenant individual. For a parent, it doesn't get any better than that.
I love you,

KiM said...

Thank you so much for taking time to walk with me! You are one of the firsts! Three years baby! Three years!

Crystal said...

Um, that was really, REALLY sweet of you. I am so... humbled?! Touched?! Thrilled?! All of those, thank you, Abby. You are such a sweetie.

I want to go to the temple with you any time. Tell me when you are going and I will be there- initiatories, endowments or sealings (wait, we need boys for that... and my boy will be with Asher...)

Anyway, happy birthmonth. It is not over yet and it IS going to be an awesome year!

And aunts definitely help out the Easter bunny. It is true.

Also... I have not told anyone, but my health insurance ends this month! I just found out MBC is ending it because I am not teaching there as much next semester... how RUDE.

Thank you again. You are my hero.

craig&susan said...

Happy, happy birthday, Abby dear. good for you for being able to drag it out for two weeks. I'm going to have to try that. haha. Congrats on going through the temple. What an exciting time for you. I think you are right, 27 will be great for you. hooray.

rebeccaV said...

I will say it again, your life is totally awesome!! I really wish that I could've been there when you went through the temple. Me and mom were really trying to figure out a way for me to be there, but Ray had to go and schedule a huge fumigation for work that weekend (blasted adult responsibilities!!). You DO have a great life and it will only get better! :)