Saturday, December 06, 2008

U-G-L-Y! You ain't got no alibi, you ugly!

Ah, December.  A time for carols, well-wishing, finals, sledding, Buddy the Elf, Messiah sing-alongs, and ugly sweater parties.  Last night, everyone represented the spirit of December as we all tried to outdo each other in ugliness.  Throughout the evening, you'd hear people remark, "My, you're looking especially ugly tonight!"  And it was a very good thing.

I wish you could see it, but Greg (dude next to me) had flashing Christmas lights duct taped to his sweater. He was connected to the wall for lots of the night.

Not everyone had such ugliness on hand, but Jared was willing to wear a headband instead.  For a minute.

As if the party weren't already awesome enough, they had Elf playing, which is probably the best Christmas movie ever made.  Allow me to share just one of the many favorite quotes:


David and Debby said...

I vote for that multi-colored Afgahn-squares sweater on the girl in the next to last picture. I hope her grandmother, who probably worked her fingers to the bone making that for her, doesn't see this blog and discover that it wins the ugliest sweater contest.

Emily said...

First of all, I totally second Bro. Croshaw on that.

Second of all, it pains me to see the fun you are having with out me. Oh my heart! No more happiness until we are together, okay?

Third of all, merry prehensile!

Forth of all, your sweater is awesomely ugly...and I mean that in the BEST possible way!

Ryan said...

Jared sucks. Well, not really. He just scares me and I choose to say "Jared sucks" for lack of a more thorough explanation of the anguish his face caused within me and the misery his headband inflicted upon this planet. His appearance rivals genocide in the Congo for the most distressing atrocity this world is suffering from. We are in the throes of an ugly pandemic, sparked by the smug rapist smirk he dawned that evening. Nature herself grimaced that she may have contributed to the hideous one's existence and is squelching natural disasters as an apology to her other inhabitants. If this picture is an accurate representation of his daily expression and posture, you should immediately tip local authorities as to the location of a prolific child molester and end our torment.

Awesome party. Wish I was there. Elf rocks my socks off.

Talk to you soon. 'Till then - frannsissscooooe . . .

p.s. You said ugly remarks were a compliment at this party, correct? Jared, you're welcome.

rebeccaV said...

I'm totally laughing at that last guys comment...

abbynormal said...

I loved when Ryan was my neighbor for that. Aside from being the ever-accessible adventure buddy, I never could guess what he'd say next.