Thursday, September 18, 2008

Colonial Idol

Here's a vid to tide everyone over.  This guy just finished singing "Hinges," complete with all the actions and a pretty impressive handstand.  I keep hoping someone will send me a Paula picture they took when I wasn't paying attention, but this fuzzy, far-away image will have to suffice unless I hear otherwise...

UPDATE: I heard otherwise!!  Not close-up or anything, but here we are with all of our contestants.


Jason and Dana said...

It's telling me the video is no longer available!

abbynormal said...

Try it now...I think I fixed it...

Emily said...

It's still not working for me. sigh. i am DYING to see this! Wanna just e-mail me the link?

abbynormal said...

Alright, I pulled out the old vid and replaced it, so HOPEFULLY it works now. If not, here's the link:

Leslie said...

hahaha. loved it!! paula, you're one of a kind...truly authentic!