Monday, April 14, 2008

Two weeks in the Rockies

It should come as no surprise to anyone who has ever been an aunt or uncle that 99% of the pics I took while I was home were of the kids. (What can I say? They're incredibly photogenic!) Lucky for me, my surgery recovery was pretty tame, so I could still enjoy their company.

I caught Eva and Colby before they could ham it up.
Look at that hair!

Eva loves to love baby Lilia (pronounced "Wee-uh"
by the sibs). And I'm sure Lilia loves it, too.

Mia and Jack were grateful I didn't need all those
chocolate creamsicles.

There's just something about catching people sleeping
- in their most raw, vulnerable state. I can vouch for
this, having been caught plenty of times myself.

Here's just such a photo, of me and Colby
pretending to sleep. Aren't we such good fakers??

Kissing cousins? Jack ("Ssack") and Eva ("EE-ba")

Kissing cousins part II? Mia and Colby

I must add, this photo is slightly deceiving. Colby looks like he just wants to escape, while Mia looks like they're BFFs. In reality, Colby spent the whole week trying to get Mia to stop ignoring him and warm up to him. (It was an interesting example of what happens when you put two oldest siblings together.) But he didn't let it get him down - he's a persistent kid! By the time I left, they were playing together. You just can't get the vibe of the true story from this picture, and for whatever reason, I feel some sort of obligation to clear the air and set everyone straight. Now I feel better.

The other 1% of pics were of the rodeo (which I've already told you all about) and my dad's handiwork in getting the new chandelier installed...all I can say is, you just had to be there to appreciate.


Jason and Dana said...

I just want you to know Eva now calls you "Abby" every time she sees a picture of you. No more of this "Wesie" stuff.

abbynormal said...

I think that's kind of happy and sad at the same time. Leslie was pretty excited to have claim over that one. I guess Eva just needed to see us separately! Hopefully now she won't call Leslie "Abby"!

I think my favorite was when she'd say, "Hi Wes...o...o...a...a...Abby."

Actually that's not true. My favorite was when you were on the stand on Sunday and Eva yelled, "Hi, Mommy, hi!"

P.S. Thank you for helping your kids to learn the names of your absentee siblings. You have no idea how good it feels when I see them and they actually know who I am.