Thursday, April 24, 2008

Time for another PARRRRTY!

Speaking of annual traditions, my girls and I recently hosted our 2nd annual Pirate Parrrty! Since we knew what we were doing this time, the decor was even better than our maiden voyage last year.

Present and decked out for this year's parrrty: My twin. Everyone gets us confused, or at least thinks we're related. Everyone. Except, personally, we can't really see it. Can you?

Since I like combining unrelated adventures lately, here is a snippet from a picture scavenger hunt we recently did. I know exactly what you're thinking: WHERE is Princess?!


abby said...

I think the deal with your twin is the hair and face shape. I had to do a double take when she came to the ward too. At least we don't look alike. It was pretty confusing when we lived together. :) photography is on your blog.

rebeccaV said...

Abby, you are hilarious!! I love your blog, it is always fun to read!

David and Debby said...

If you squint, she absolutelylooks like your twin.