Wednesday, September 05, 2007

OC with SD

I got to take a trip to LA for work to visit with some companies in August. I really wish I could elaborate on that, because I got to go to some pretty rad places. Oh well. But look at this cool fountain in my hotel! (Westin in downtown LA. Nice, but I'd pick somewhere else next time.)

Hilight of the work week: after visiting companies in El Segundo one day, we first ate some quality Mexican food at La Paz (go there), and then we hit up Manhattan Beach! Isn't my job great, sometimes?

After that, I got to spend a few quality whirlwind days with Sarah-Dawn.

Over the course of a day and a half, we went to the beach, watched the US Surfing Open, saw the Simpsons movie, went dancing, ate at In-N-Out (animal style, believe it or not), and went to an Angels game. (Ironically, it was Mormon Night at the game. Complete with picketers outside.)

We sort of got TWO fireworks shows that night - if you look close in this pic, you can see the ones in the background - that's Disneyland.

After the game was another show, and it was quite possibly one of the best I've ever witnessed. Don't worry - it was set to theme songs from movies. Love it.

It just reminded me of what it's like to have a serious following with your team. Nats don't quite have it yet.

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