Sunday, August 18, 2013

Lauren is here! LAUREN IS HERE!

One of my best friends from DC just moved to Pasadena with her family.  She may be here for six weeks, she may be here for a year.  We don't really know right now.  All that matters right now is that SHE'S HERE!

(Not a great photo, but it's the only one I took with Lauren in it and this feels like one of those "pic or it didn't happen" scenarios.)

So far, we're taking advantage by getting together every single weekend.  I intend to continue this streak as much as possible.  She doesn't know anyone out here besides David and me, so I don't feel selfish hogging all of her Saturday time.

This weekend we all went to the LA Zoo, which I've never done since we moved out here.  I like this trend so far - thanks to her, I'll probably get to do lots of things around here that I haven't gotten around to yet.
It's been so long since I spent time with Lauren and Yuriy, I forgot what it felt like to just be in their presence. And how much I wanted to be like them when I was single. And now that I’m married and I see them as parents, how much I still want to be like them. I hope they are here for awhile - I want to glean from their wisdom and experience. I want to absorb their presence. I want to feel the joy of being around friends who really know me, who care as deeply for me as I care for them. My soul is so happy. It is so good to be in the company of dear friends.

Here's to the beginning of as many delightful weekends together as we can cram in.

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