Thursday, October 29, 2009

I love the fall.

Especially in DC.

It's the perfect time. The weather is cool (but not cold), the humidity is gone, and the fall colors come out in all their glory. I feel like I've said this before. Still true.

David and I took advantage of this optimal combination by taking a leisurely bike ride down by the canal in Georgetown one morning.

This was the same day as the Marine Corps Marathon, so we got to watch and cheer a little.

I love big marathons. They're inspirational. The energy in the air is electrifying. You get to see all sorts of interesting people - the ones juggling, or wearing a grass skirt, or a jack-o-lantern outfit - none of which I got pictures of, because I was too busy cheering them on. Next time I run a long-distance race, I'm wearing something fun. I want to make people smile the way the dude with the kilt and mohawk made me smile.

Since the race is so big, they close all sorts of major roads in and around town...which is why it was perfectly fine for us to ride the middle lane down 110. As you can see, David just won Tour de France. The second-place guy is so far behind, you can't even see him.

I've always been just a little jealous of people who could ride bikes with no hands like that.

In other news, David and I took a trip down to Raleigh to visit Lauren and Yuriy one weekend. Lauren is having her baby soon and I'm excited out of my mind about it! We hit up the NC state fair, where we partook of such delicacies as grilled corn on the cob, ham biscuits, fried macaroni and cheese, and caramel apples. (We stopped short of trying the fried candy bars and fried twinkies. But I was tempted.) And a state fair isn't a state fair without a pig auction and few rickety carnival rides! It was a nice weekend indeed. Especially knowing that we bypassed a weekend of gloomy, overcast raininess in DC.

And in other other news, I would like everyone to meet my new car. Thanks to the DKCs for helping me in my search to make my dream a reality.

David has dubbed him "Vader." I guess it reminds him of someone?

And finally, just to fill in all the other gaps: school. Class at night is hard! But on the plus side, the delightful silver lining is that I have never been so well-rested because I don't have to get up extra-early and rush out the door every day. All of my classes are starting to pick up the pace in a mean way, just like I knew they would this time of year. I had an exam last night and another tonight, and I'm TIRED!

But then I got home, and found this waiting for me:

That's right, it's a card full of Halloween love from Mia! (With an extra helping of love from the rest of the Cleveland Croshaws.)

I went from feeling like this:

To this:

I love my family. :)


Crystal said...

Sounds like life is awesome. I am sure your semester will end successfully and it will continue to be awesome- and maybe increase in awesomeness intensity. Have a super weekend~

David Chipman said...

I should make a note that since the gender of said vehicle was not previously determined, I also offered the possibility of Vadette. That also has a ring to it. But is it sporty enough?

Jason and Dana said...

Hey, Colby is Vader for Halloween. Nice new car. I love seeing pictures of appropriate fall trees. How nice of Mia to send you a Halloween card! If only I was so on top of things.

David and Debby said...

thanks for the wonderful photos, letting us be part of your life. for the record, i have never been able to ride without hands. how in the world do people do that. is it an acquired skill? anyway, thanks for the update. xoxoxo

David and Debby said...

Riding Without Hands:
1. On flat, even surface, steer straight and peddle fast.
2. Let go of the handlebars.

Colin & Lori said...

I feel like I have to brag. I can ride without holding on. Well, I used to. I haven't ridden a bike in a very long time. Years in fact. I did ride my bike during college.

David and Debby said...

In my day, I terrorized Pocatello's Park Ave. neighborhood, handless on my Red Rider. I could go for blocks, as long as no corners or potholes came up.

Jonathan Joseph said...

I heard of the NC pig auction and pig RACES!! The announcer came out and said, "who's ready to race some pigs," and everybody erupted with excitement.

Karen said...

Abby I look at those faces and know why David loves you! You are so perfect. Thanks for sharing your stories. Mom