Thursday, September 24, 2009

The post you've all been waiting for...

That's right, it's time to see pictures of my 5th (and most likely last) Colonial 2 Retreat Campout Socialfest Party Shindig Gathering Activity Event.

I sort of just coasted through this weekend, which felt a little unusual - I've almost always either been on the planning committee or participating somewhere or other. This time I decided to take it easy and just let other people run the show. (What can I say, school is beating me up, I needed the break.) I met new people, made s'mores, played cards, napped on the grass, and spent an inordinate amount of time trying to remember the Tin Man song from Wizard of Oz. I got so involved in my chilling out that I didn't even take any pictures. So here are a bunch of candids for you, courtesy of random other Colonialites.

A favorite activity. We were playing Hearts. Darren shot the moon. Twice!

We did two service projects: some of us picked up sticks in the park and threw them in the forest (yep), and others colored and cut out rockets for the children. Here we are, anxiously engaged in making our rockets perfect.

We always have church in the forest on Retreat weekend. Look at how good and disciplined I am in wearing kosher footwear. (I'm not yet back to my 100% physically active self, but I did go running once last week!) And it's true that I may or may not also have scrubs on. Don't be fooled by the sunshine - it was cold!

The highlight of the entire weekend: Eyner spontaneously jumping up on the stage during our skit night, stealing the microphone, and saying, "Imma let you finish, but Prince Charming is the best prince of all time!"

It was just his way of giving a shout out to everyone's favorite charming, classy hip-hop star.

And now I'm off to prepare for my next whirlwind weekend adventure. You'll have to visit again for the deets, but know that it involves two of my favorite people. And a coast that isn't the east one.


Crystal said...

I talked about Kanye-v- Taylor in young women last week, actually.

Anyway, why was that your last retreat? you are nowhere NEAR 31.


David and Debby said...

abby, you are evil. my first thought was, "what!!! she didn't even call me." you totally had me going. glad you had a great weekend. thanks for the taylor swift (tailor? like the sewer?)_ video. i never got to see the whole thing all the way through. xoxo i thought about you about 6 this morning, thinking you still had 7 hours to go. mom

Colin & Lori said...

Finally, I have been waiting and waiting for this post from you!! I thought you go so involved with some guy that you forgot to keep us connected to you! At least we know he's not just some guy!! Tell Princess Hi from us!! Mia still talks about her occasionally. Love you!

Colin & Lori Croshaw said...

Yeah Abby. THAT was the post we were all waiting for. We have all been sitting on the edge of our seats for 3 months waiting for your ward get-together. Finally I can relax

David Chipman said...

Phew... I was so worried about how it would go. I'm so glad that the post is finally out! Now I can read and thrill to the play by play of this extravagant weekend's fun! Thanks for keeping us up to date!

Jason and Dana said...

Abby, you're a goober. Love you.

David and Debby said...

Using totally sensational titles for otherwise mundane posts is cruel and mean. Clever, but cruel. OK, I guess it's clever enough that it compensates for the cruelness. You're forgiven.

I gotta make me one of those golf ball-on-a-string games.

abbynormal said...

From the sound of it, I guess maybe you've all been waiting for a more differenter post? My bad. Guess you'll have to keep waiting.

Alex Esparza said...

Why is your last, Abby?

Alex Esparza said...

Ho, Vamos Vamos Vamosssss....

I Can't wait......!!!
