Friday, January 04, 2008

NYC is Wicked awesome

My friend Kim had a birthday, and the girl knows how to celebrate with style. So, she planned an awesome trip to New York City - complete with a 12-person van, filled to capacity.

Some days were pretty exhausting, with all the walking around. So when one group decided they were going to walk to a bakery (MORE FOOD?! I felt like I'd been eating non-stop!), some of us decided to skip out...and to top whatever they were doing. So naturally, we took a ride in a horse-drawn carriage around Central Park.

We also found a cool fountain and entertained ourselves around it...

...and we got to play around on the huge piano in FAO Schwarz, made famous, of course, by Tom Hanks.

And a trip to NYC wouldn't be complete without a trip to Broadway! We went to see Wicked...this was two days before everyone went on strike. Great timing, Kim!

1 comment:

Jason and Dana said...

I'm so jealous!!! I really really really want to see Wicked. Some day I will. It will be mine. Oh will be mine.