Wednesday, September 07, 2011

My 15 seconds of fame

Once again, my awesome internship makes an appearance - this time in the Washington Post.

Update: Make that 30 seconds of fame! It was included in the Metro Express today, which means I could find it in digital! Check me out on page 21.



David and Debby said...

how did you find out about this?

abbynormal said...

Several friends called to tell me about it and to ask if I wanted them to send me a copy. :)

Jason and Dana said...

WASHINGTON POST?!! I didn't realize that's where this picture was when you put it on facebook!!! You pretty much ROCK Gabby Lee.

craig&susan said...

so what your telling me is...your a pretty big deal?! Well gosh, I've known that for a LOOOONG time:) GO ABBY!