Thursday, June 12, 2008

Q: How many kids with ADD does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: Hey, let's go ride bikes!For Princess' birthday (her March 2007 birthday, that is), I took her on a 70-ish mile bike ride to and from Harpers Ferry. It started and ended at Whites Ferry, MD, and we got lost so many times on our way to the starting point that we almost turned around and went home. Okay, not really. But we really did get lost a lot, until out of sheer desperation we checked my GPS (AKA my mother). From then on, it was a straight shot. When we did get there, we were rewarded with a ferry ride across the river! Here is a visual tour from the camera of Princess.

The greenness behind us is moss on the surface of the water.

I don't know if this is the Potomac or Shenandoah river...they both meet at Harpers Ferry, which is located just across that bridge up ahead. We got there just before sunset, and had to call someone from our hostel to come pick us up in town because it was too dark to proceed on our own. (How I love the hostel environment. Har har. But seriously, I do.) I guess that's what happens when you get a late start. But that's another story entirely, and I'm not just talking about our adventures of getting lost.

Day 2: After having a bagel for breakfast (which, coincidentally, was exactly what we had for dinner the night before) we set off again. We were fascinated by all the sunbeams bouncing off the mist in the air and couldn't stop capturing inspirational images of them.

Same thing with climbing on walls...

...and setting the self timer. Some people actually came by when we were taking this one, but we were having so much fun we didn't bother asking them to take it for us. We actually took a better one after this, but I like this one better.

Now, if you haven't yet had enough of the beauty that is the West Virginia/Maryland/Virginia corner, here is a visual tour from the camera of me.


Lisa said...

I just can't believe you!! I am so totally jealous. And what is this business about southeast asia. t-minus 13 what?

rebeccaV said...

I love that joke!!!

Emily said...

Dude, I LOVE this post. Can I steal your narrative for my own site? It's awesome! Also, how did you get that slide show thing at the bottom? You'll have to teach me some of your mad skills. T-10! Yahoo!

abbynormal said...

Sure, as long as you cite me. You can use MLA or APA format, I don't care which. ;) I'll teach you the slide show thing today. I kind of stumbled upon it on accident.