Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hi. I'm in Delaware.

I went to a wedding last weekend with Justin in the small town of Seaford, Delaware. It was a nice, quaint town, and much more diverse than either of us expected. The most fun we had was definitely browsing around Wal-Mart and playing in the toy section...or maybe it was walking to Dairy Queen in the middle of a rainstorm...or climbing all over this strange lopsided picnic table-hiking boots-basketball hoop structure that we could only assume was meant to be art...?
In any case, it was a fun little road trip, and the couple was surely a happy one.There was only one picture captured of us on their big day:
Yep, we were so enthralled with the party favors (bubbles!) that we didn't bother to look at the camera.

Sure, we'll grow up some day. But not today.


rebeccaV said...

You've been waiting your whole life to use that line, haven't you!!

abbynormal said...

Maybe I have, and maybe I have!!! I think I've said it (or at least thought it) pretty much every time I go to/pass through the state. :o)

Jason and Dana said...

Abby, you are hilarious. And thanks for that, because Jason seems to think he says, "Delaware-Hi. I mean....Delaware."

Leslie said...

Am I stupid? I don't get it. Someone explain.

Jason and Dana said...

It's from Wayne's World when they're standing in front of the screen that keeps changing locations.

abby said...

Wow...people actually live in Delaware. I'm a amazed.