Friday, January 12, 2007

The rest of the week of awesome with Shawn

Sad story about our new intern friend was that he was going back school in one week. So, we made the most of it. That included...

...Waiting in line for hours in the cold outside the Kennedy Center for tickets to attend the Messiah Sing-along...

(okay, so I didn't actually get there until everyone was inside. I got to selfishly skip the cold.)

...Going Contra-dancing (square dancing, the Virginia Reel, etc.) in a small town called Purceville, VA. I intentionally included this picture because you can see our favorite new friend hidden behind some people - the barefoot dude with the tie-dye. He looked like a Hobbit!

...Caroling with the ward at a nearby nursing home...

...Testing a chocolate fountain for one of Marcia's work parties (although the most exciting part came when it was time to clean up, and melted chocolate started spraying everywhere!)...

...Playing with the tortilla Princess accidentally left in the toaster oven, which actually started a small fire inside the oven - almost three years to the very day that my apartment burned down. How ironically appropriate. Marcia thought it fitting to apply some decorations to said toasted tortilla...

...And then we shared our secrets with Einstein.

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