Friday, January 12, 2007

Flashback: May 2006 - BA and Iguazu Falls

Ever since the year I graduated out of High School, I've made it a point to leave the country once a year. In 2005, destination was originally going to be Ireland. My friend Kristin had family out there, and my friend Eric's dad was an airline pilot and could get us free tickets. It was destined to be pretty much the cheapest trip ever. Well, one week to go-time and due to some technical difficulties, we switched destinations to Buenos Aires, Argentina, with a nice side trip to IguazĂș Falls.

We got a great taxi driver who slipped the border patrol $10 for each of us to visit the Brazil side of the falls. Worth every penny. Niagra Falls, eat your heart out.

We actually got stuck in BA for an extra two days due to more technical difficulties (oh, the dangers of flying standby), but all that time definitely allowed us to see what Argentina has to offer - the steak, tango dancing, seedy hostels, discotecas, amazing waterfalls, crazy cat-infested cemeteries...and even the police museum, complete with wax figures of la policĂ­a and a cock fight display. I experienced Argentina. I am content.

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