Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Destination: Reunification. ETA: 24 hours

So I've been flying solo for the last couple weeks.

It's not my favorite thing.

But you know what? I've been alright. Since David gets home tomorrow, I've been reflecting a lot on the silver linings I've been able to find while he's been gone.

A little background: usually when David leaves town for a work trip, I spend my freetime moping around the house and being lonely and willing time to go faster. (Thank goodness I have a job to keep myself occupied during many of my waking hours.) And those are the trips that usually last a few days at most, when he goes to exotic, distant places...like Boston. Or Dallas.

You can imagine the mild panic I was feeling in anticipation of his two-week trip to Saudi Arabia, and in the midst of all the Middle Eastern/north African upheaval, no less. Yes, this trip called for more drastic measures on my part. I needed to be proactive in filling my time. Maybe I could reach out to people. Or, more likely, maybe I could tackle some serious projects around the house, like ironing all of this:

and scanning all of this:

Well...I didn't get to my projects. I didn't have time.

I was helping my brother and his family move, and spending some QT with this little guy...

And also with this little guy.

I was discovering that I am actually quite a responsible, capable adult, since I've had to do everything by myself for a change. (I kind of needed this, so it counts as a silver lining.)

I was rearranging the artwork on the fridge to better display the artistic talents of some of my favorite kids.

I was helping one of my best friends find a wedding dress she could feel beautiful in. And spending a lot of time goofing off with her, too.

I was spending more than a few nights enjoying my neighbor Al's renditions of "Danny's Song" and some James Taylor song I can't quite remember. (Ah, he just sang it. "You've got a friend." Thanks, Al, for helping me to remember.)

I was celebrating Green Day with friends (this is me in their "photo booth" with my "date").
(If you're wondering, "Where can I get me that awesome wig?!" Target. $1. Oh yeah.)

I was having dinner (and almost a slumber party) with my sister - probably the last time I'll see her before she becomes a mommy.

No doubt about it, my life has been rich and full over the last couple of weeks that I had previously been dreading. It reminds me of a comment my first Stats teacher made about the Stats course everyone has to take at BYU: "It's the most dreaded class on campus, but not the most hated." See the connection?? But I digress.

I've been reminded of the value of good friends and family, and of the great potential the Church has in bringing people together. I have so much gratitude to everyone who has reached out and helped to fill my time with phone calls, visits, opportunities to serve, and excuses to get me out of my house. You are all wonderful people.

This time alone has also increased my appreciation for my husband. Not long after he left, I set a new background to my desktop:

It has been a perfect reminder of what a gem I have found. And when I've looked at it, I haven't been hit with the typical wave of loneliness. I've been able to feel the love that I see in his eyes. While I certainly miss him and eagerly await his return, I've been able to feel genuine excitement for the experiences he's having, and pride in the way he has capably shouldered such great responsibilities. I've been able to feel comfort in knowing that he is devoutly committed to the most important things in his life. I've been able to feel happy, even though he isn't here with me right at this very moment.

I am truly blessed.


craig&susan said...

Love it Abby! you are really something, and I'm so happy I get to be your little friend:)

LRH said...

This might seem strange but I was struck by the cuteness of the noses in that picture:)

David and Debby said...

i'm really happy also that susan (that's hard for me; she will always be suzie) has been your friend. everyone needs good friends like her. thanks for this post abby. you really are blessed. me too. xoxo

Leslie said...

I'm grateful David took the trip so that you had a reason to post something on your blog again. ;-) You really should post more, Abba Dabba. You have such a good, positive, fun outlook on life that always makes me want to lighten up and enjoy my own life a little more. I'm glad I got to see you last week. Next time, it'll be you in Florida holding your new niece. Love you. XOXO

rebeccaV said...

Awwww, Abby and David Chipman ROCK!!

David and Debby said...

Way to fill the time Abby. I think you got that from me - never run out of things to do.

David Chipman said...

I'm BACK!!!! And it is so awesome to be loved so much by such a wonderful girl! Looks like some fun times were had with good people. Thank goodness for good friends and family! I am so amazingly blessed!

Karen said...

WOW - I am just grateful to be on the same planet with the two of you. This was so fun and inspiring to read. I recommend saving the laundry for ...(the dry cleaner?!!!). That leaves a lot more time for fun. It was fun to think of and talk with you at Punta Sal - even if you weren't out in the waves. Mom