Thursday, August 20, 2009

Kwaheri, Kenya

Q: Does it really seem like I was living in Kenya for two months, doing what I did and seeing what I saw?
A: No. Not yet. Maybe never.

Q: Do the pictures help to make it more real?
A: Negative.

Q: Even if I'm in it?
A: Nope.

Here is the promised "best of" slideshow of my surreal summer, from the eyes of all my roomies. It's long, so I hope you've got a few minutes. If school doesn't pick up too fast, I'll try to give you an update about the last three weeks back in the homeland soon.

Kwaheri, Kenya. I miss you.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

A Sabbath-day treat for your heart

I didn't forget that I promised to share this Mulunguni delight with everyone once I had better bandwidth. Watch, and be happy.