Sunday, March 01, 2009

Late Februaryish

Time for the second annual 80's party!!!  I think the pictures do a marvelous job of speaking for themselves.

Recently, a good friend of mine from the BYU Stats days, Lorenzo, came to town for a conference.  I hadn't seen him since we graduated in 2005, so this was a great surprise.  We got to hang out and I showed him all the monuments, and he also joined me for Dinner in the Dark, where he introduced himself to everyone as "Mario Cart."  (He's very quick on his feet with the humor.  He cracks me up.)  At this activity, we literally had to eat in pitch blackness.  Light was not allowed.  It was actually a great time.  We all learned to depend much more on our other senses...and everyone else there.  

At the end, they gave us a "surprise" - everyone had glow sticks taped to the bottom of their chair!

Since we were always in the dark, I never actually got a shot of Lorenzo.  You'll have to take my word for it that the jump-roper is him.  If he sends me any pictures, I'll post 'em.

Lights back on - "Whoa, didn't realize the place was set up like that!"  "Look how messy everyone was!"  "Hey, we had egg rolls sitting right by us the whole time?!"  "Wait, there are TWO tables??"  "You're all the way over THERE?"  "Ouch, my eyes!  Turn the lights back off!"
It snowed again!  And this time, I took advantage before a layer of ice could form over the snow and built myself a snowman!  
...but the snow was a bit dry, so my little man of snow was a little squatty.
I shall call him Mr. Stubbs.  My favorite is the Lifesaver eyes.  That was Kassandra's touch.

That is all.

1 comment:

Jason and Dana said...

Your February was awesome!! That lights out dinner is great!