Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ultimate Adventure 2008, Part II

This next one is of a different nature than the usual adventures. Hopefully it won't slow down my other adventures too much.

No, I'm not getting married.

In three weeks I'm quitting my job and going to school full-time. While normal people plan for things like this way in advance, I was sort of blindsided when this option fell into my lap at the last minute (as was my boss, when I told him). I was pretty nonchalant about the application process and getting the GMAT taken, so even though I've been sensing that it's time for some changes, I didn't see this one coming. It is the end result of about two solid weeks of lots of pondering, praying, endless discussions with roommates, co-workers, family, college admissions advisor, Justin, and a blessing from the Home Teacher. After all that, I'm jumping in with both feet and I'm totally excited, albeit just a teensy bit wary of acquiring all that debt from tuition and having no job. Guess that's why the Prophet is always encouraging us to build up our savings - so I can actually have the option of making choices like this.

I broke the news to everyone at work today, and I'm trying not to think about that part too much. I'll be really missing a lot of people once I leave.

If you're curious about the details, I'll be enrolling at American University, in their Kogod Business School's MBA program. I've been to the campus a few times before for some concerts and it's really beautiful. I'm definitely not moving closer to campus because I just love my living situation so much and no WAY could I afford rent in DC. The only other detail I know is that orientation starts on August 19. Hopefully they'll be telling me more soon. Go class of 2010! :o)


Anonymous said...

Nice blog. Thats all.

Lisa said...

Hooray, hooray. Good luck and I wish you the best. Hope to see you soon.
Love you!!!

Jason and Dana said...

I just looked at your "Whatever, whenever" thing and saw you did the last post and it reminded me of one of my all time favorite youtube videos
I need the website address for that secrets thing you were telling us about.