Sunday, December 18, 2011

Fall update...or whatever season it is...

I can't really tell what season it is. The weather doesn't change much around here. But enough about that.

Your wait is finally over. Here is our house.

Aside from that, there are lots of other things I could show and tell about, but my phone got an update and it deleted all the pictures I'd taken - which was essentially all documentation I have of the last while. But there are a few pics I managed to salvage.

More of the house updating. It's weird to be putting holes in walls just to hide cords, or to be removing paint on a wall just so we can add more paint. Ah, the difference you see when there's a man around who isn't afraid to play with those power tools...

Halloween...we did the classic punked out costume for a dinner party.

We went to the Farmer's Market later dressed up like this. As I kind of expected, most people thought nothing of it.

I must also include our friend Pierce's costume - he grew a beard for six months just so he could be Brian Wilson from the SF Giants. Pretty impressive, eh?

We also branched out a little this year with the costumes. We were invited to another Halloween party and the invite said that costumes were encouraged, so of course we jumped at the opportunity. David wanted to use some goodies he got when he was in Saudi Arabia, so we showed up looking like this:

First thing we noticed: whoever threw the party neglected to mention that costumes were only encouraged if you're under 7 years of age. Yep, we were pretty much the only adults who bothered to not wear our street clothes. (And did we EVER!) We were pretty much the lone costumed grown-ups until another childless couple showed up much later dressed as Mary Poppins and the chimney sweeper guy.

I really hope we don't stop dressing up when we have kids. Just sayin'.

Thanksgiving! I had to work the day before and after Thanksgiving (made it real hard to get into Thanksgiving mode. Kind of a bummer.) so we stayed local and kept it small this year. Emily came out from Phoenix to hang out with us, which was AWESOME.

Although our numbers were small, we prepared a delightful feast that lasted through another week and a dinner with the missionaries. And then we skyped about it during Let the Magic Begin!!

To commemorate the fact that we live in So-Cal, the three of us spent a quality day at Disneyland. Kind of amazing how much work they put into decking out the place for Christmas. Two words: Fast Pass. Best invention of all time. (It snowed on Main Street after the castle-lighting/firework show. I'd show you proof, if not for my phone update FAIL.)

And finally, for some current events. LA had a crazy wind storm - some actual inclement weather! I took pictures of all the fallen palm fronds all over our yard but...yeah, you already know this story. This is all the proof I have of the effects of the storm - our power outage!

"Occupy" has spent some time in California. Here's the insanity we've seen...

Oh yes. They occupied the port and barricaded the trucks to keep them from shipping stuff. I'm holding back from commenting on just how backwards I think the logic is on this one. But this, I think, is my favorite:

THIS is Occupy Torrance, right across the street from my office. Cute little protest, isn't it? :)

Happy December!